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Rows Of Green Shopping Carts


Our client shared a project with us about implementing a personalized shopping experience using AI and machine learning algorithms. Their focus was on the consumers, especially current & former customers of platforms that already have an AI &Machine Learning powered platform in place. Our client also provided some company names and other relevant information for us to focus on the most insightful profiles.  They also shared some basic screening questions;

  • Were you satisfied with your experience using an AI-powered platform while shopping? 

  • Why was it different than the other conventional platforms, and what led you to try it in the first place?

  • What are the things that you were dissatisfied with?

    Our team did reach out to relevant experts and screened them against vetting questions. These experts and their answers to screening questions were shared with the client and 6 of them got picked to proceed with the consultation call. Our client also received transcripts & recordings of the calls to go back and analyze the data again after the consultations. The information our experts provided helped our client to tailor their strategies to their current projects. 

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